جمالك حياةعام
التجويع يمنع حرق الدهون
طبقا للدراسات بجامعة كامبريدج , فإن خلايا المخ تعمل كمدافع للمنع حرق السعرات الحرارية عند التجويع.
حيث أن الجسم لديه ترموستات وبمجرد الشعور بالتجويع يبدأ بالدفاع عن نفسه ويختزل الدهون بالجسم ولا يحرقها مما يتسبب في عدم إنقاص الوزن.
Starvation mode can prevent us burning fat
Cambridge University scientists have discovered that key brain cells act as a trigger to prevent us burning calories when food is scarce.
‘Weight loss strategies are often inefficient because the body works like a thermostat and couples the amount of calories we burn to the amount of calories we eat,’ says lead author of the research Dr Clémence Blouet.
Cambridge University scientists have discovered that key brain cells act as a trigger to prevent us burning calories when food is scarce.
‘Weight loss strategies are often inefficient because the body works like a thermostat and couples the amount of calories we burn to the amount of calories we eat,’ says lead author of the research Dr Clémence Blouet.